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4. Masonry walls or other architectural improvements no setback variance <br />required), (1007.01a) <br />. Sunken parking lot elevations. <br />5 Any combination of subsection 11 through 5 above shall provide a rninirnurn <br />6 permanent year -round height of thirty six inches (36") from the highest point <br />7 of the parking lot curb, consisting of eighty percent (80 %) opaque screening <br />8 of the parked vehicles as seen from the public right: of gray. If deciduous <br />9 material is used, the berm shall be higher and rewire less in the amount of <br />vegetation. Where landscape materials are proposed, they shall be of such <br />type and size to meet the height and opacity requirements within thirty -six <br />1 (36) months or less after installation. Traffic visibility Shall not be impeded by <br />13 fencing, structures, plantings or berms within forty feet (40) of an intersection <br />14 or driveway. (1007.01d5) <br />15 <br />16 K. in all industrial districts parking of vehicles and open storage shall be permitted <br />