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26, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the rule Street Soccer Field parking <br />Lot. It has been approved by the City Council. Lightening will be <br />working with Keith I rupenny and Twin City Refuse, all of whom have <br />extensive experience working with other city clean -up days. A flier was <br />attached to the latest issue of the Roseville wrap, It's also listed on the <br />city webpage, will be run on Channel 15, and will be listed in our weekly <br />newsfax . police reserves will be onsite conducting traffic control. Cones <br />and ba -i caries will be used to route traffic. Bob Nitti described how the <br />site would work. <br />6. Senior Discount Program for Utilities <br />Chris Miller gage a bricfhistory of how this topic carne before the Public <br />Works Commission. The discount is for seniors on their quarterly utility <br />bill. The total discount adds up to about $33 per gear. About 21% of <br />households in Roseville are currently getting this discount. Discount <br />amounts are made up by other customers. Our current program does not <br />request proof of financial need. Options and requirements were discussed. <br />Member Rossini moved that the program remain the same for those aged <br />65 and over, and that those under 65 who meet Federal poverty guidelines <br />be eligible for the same discount, Seniors would not need to reapply, but <br />those younger than 65 would need to reapply every year. Member <br />Marasteanu seconded, <br />Ayes: <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried, <br />7. Hwy 280 Update <br />Frank Pafko, Mn/DOT, presented the history and future plans for the Hwy <br />280 area. Member Wilke asked for an update on Hwy 36 as well+ other <br />projects that will affect Roseville in the near future are: this summer there <br />will be some pavement repair on 35w from Stinson to Hwy 3; Ramsey <br />County is working on county Road C improvements and the intersection at <br />Snelling (turn lanes and improving the railroad crossing); discussions have <br />started regarding Snelling and County Road B, which would be done in <br />conjunction with the Target redevelopment. The 35E/694 project is <br />currently under design and is in the schedule for the first stage in 2007, <br />with the main project starting in 2008. <br />8. Stormwater Management Plan (Draft) - Information Only, Discussion in <br />The l astest draft of the plan was handed out to Commission members. <br />Duane Schwartz requested that discussion of the plan be added to the <br />March agenda. <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />