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Minnesota Statutes 2002, Chapter 368. <br />Date: 04/f 4/03 Page 1 of 1 3 <br />Item: Ill, C. <br />P•ftwtafions <br />Fire DePartment Funding <br />Copyright 2002 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Knnesota. <br />= =368.01 <br />368.01 Powers of certain metropolitan area towns. <br />Subdivision 1. Towns described. A town that has <br />platted portions where 1,200 or more people reside or a town <br />that has a platted area within 20 miles of the city hall of a <br />city of the first class having over 2001000 population shall <br />have the powers enumerated in this section. Its town board may <br />adopt, amend, or repeal ordinances and rules for the purposes <br />enumerated. <br />subd. la. Certain other towns. A town with a <br />population of 1,000 or more that does not qualify under <br />subdivision 1, shall have the enumerated powers upon an <br />affirmative vote of its electors at the annual town meeting. <br />The population must be established by the most recent federal <br />decennial census, special census as provided in section 368.015, <br />or population estimate by the state demographer made according <br />to section 4A.02+ whichever has the latest stated date of count <br />or estimate. <br />subd. 2. Buildings. The town board may construct or <br />acquire structures needed for town purposes, and control, <br />protect, and insure public buildings, property, and records. <br />subd. 3. Streets; sewers; sidewalks; public grounds. <br />The town board may; ` <br />(1 ) lay out, open, change, widen or extend streets, al 1 ey s , <br />parks, squares, and other public ways and grounds and grader <br />pager repair, control, and maintain therm; <br />(2) establish and maintain drains, canals, and sewers; <br />(3) alter, widen or straighten water courses; and <br />(4) lay, repair, or otherwise improve or discontinue <br />sidewalks, paths and crosswalks <br />It may by ordinance regulate the use of streets and other public <br />grounds to prevent encumbrances or obstructions, and require the <br />owners or occupants of buildings and the owners of vacant lots <br />to remove snow, ice, dirt, or rubbish from the adjacent <br />sidewalks. In default of compliance it may remove the <br />encum. brances, obstructions, or substances and assess the cost <br />against the property as a special assessment. <br />Subd. 4. Parks{ trees. The town board may provide <br />for, and by ordinance regulate, the setting out and protection <br />of trees, shrubs, and flowers in the town or upon its property. <br />6 <br />subd. S. Cemeteries. The town board may acquire by <br />purchase, gift, devise, condemnation or otherwise, hold and <br />manage cemetery grounds, enclose, lay out and ornament them and <br />sell and convey lots in them. It may by ordinance regulate <br />4/10/2003 <br />