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Please state your reasons for wanting to serve on the Commissiou/ n mmitte ask 'force: <br />(Please be as specific as possible - use ad&donal street if necessary) <br />Citizen committees are a fantastic way to be involved with our city. <br />For the Rast 42 years, I have watched our park system and department <br />evolve into what we have today. our challenge in the future is to insure <br />that we can maintain that level of services we cVrrently enjoy, while keeping <br />the costs affordable and reasonable. icy business background and my previous <br />'task Force a nerience , as well as my , desire to _service the~ community are .the <br />reams ag. -Jox my application. <br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/Committee/Task Force? <br />The first role of a commissioner is to attend meetings and to he prepared. <br />A commissioner must he able to receive information from the citizens of <br />our community, Ros eville' s staff and from other commissioners. One must <br />uuuamm <br />also be impartial and make recommendations on what is best for the entire <br />c ommuni t y <br />Other Comments: (Include anyfiirther information you would like the City Council to consider or <br />that you feel is relevant to the appointment you are seekirjg- You may also attach other materials you <br />would like the Council to consider.) <br />1 have enjoyed my last term as a commissioner and am loo4king forward <br />to 3 years. <br />amumwuyyyyyyyyyyxwi.,........ mmmmmmmw�mmvm. �mmuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm���mmuuuuuuuu <br />muua <br />Tennessen Warning - Some or all the information that you are asked to provide is classified by SMre law as either private <br />or con f idcndal. Private data is information that Qencrally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of <br />the data. Cordential data is information that zenerally eannc r be Given to either the public of the subject of the data_ <br />The City of Roseville is collecting the irnfam- ation to de [ermme qualifications to sure on a Citizen Advisory Cornmissio n. <br />You are not legally required to provide this information. Hove ever, if you do not supply the inforrnarion, you may not <br />serve on a Citizen Advisory Commission. <br />Other persons or entities authorized by law to receive this information are City Council mergers, staff, residents of <br />Roseville and interested others. <br />I undtand: <br />This application is public it formation <br />I will be invited to an interview by the City Council that may be audio or video mped. <br />This application may he discussed at a pubHc meetin., <br />040/,03 <br />s <br />R <br />�e <br />J <br />Signature of Applicant ate of Appfication <br />Comnission application.doc Rev 0713 2 <br />