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10/21/2011 3:15:45 PM
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10/21/2011 2:42:11 PM
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multi level buildings with ramped and shared parking. This allows for a range of building area from <br />AW .1 mil lion to a maximum of 33.0 million square feet phased over the next 20 years. <br />X. Anticipated Site Improvement Benef is <br />The City of Roseville anticipates a number of benefits from the redevelopment of the Twin Lakes <br />Business park. The taxable benefits will be received by reinvesting in new development while <br />aesthetic and environmental improvements will result from the project. Also, there would be an <br />estimated 5,000 to 7,000 total jobs created or retained by 2020. These job estimates assume that not <br />all employees are traveling to the job site at the same time since there would be several businesses <br />operating 3 shifts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As each project is proposed, project approval is <br />contingent on uses which must be within the design capacity of roads and utilities, as well as within <br />the mitigation plan prepared as part of an AUA. <br />The cleanup o f the city's most concentrated area of known and potentially hazardous waste and <br />contaminated sites will also continue at a more aggressive pace. This will include the continued <br />removal of leaking underground and above- ground fuel and other petroleum storage tanks, <br />contaminated soils, asbestos, abandoned wells and inactive septic systems that are known to exist in <br />the area. The project will also result in restoration of the natural environment features in the area, <br />including Langton Lake and Oasis Pond, and add extensive landscaping and pedestrian and bicyclist <br />trails as urban enhancements. These enhancements, in addition to the removal of contaminated sites <br />and the heavy vehicle traffic and noise generated by trucking businesses, will provide additional <br />buffering and improve the quality of life for the residential neighborhoods to the north of Twin Lakes. <br />Finally, this master plan strategy brings as many at boo new multiple housing units to the community. <br />The housing units would be situated along the northern border of the redevelopment area and <br />adjacent to the residential neighborhoods. The housing will include a mix of townhornes, <br />condominiums, live /work units and apartments. It is the goal of the City to provide a mix of housing <br />types to satisfy the need for life -cycle housing for all income levels. The minimurn density for housing <br />in the Twin Lakes area is to units per acre and the maximum is 25 units per acre. <br />17 <br />
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