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1 Plannine File 3485+ request by western resources, LL C, 2560 Long <br />Lake road, to appeal the Community Development Director's decision <br />regarding expansion of a pre - existing, non- conformmg use (semi and <br />4 trailer parking) on an unimproved portion of a land parcel. <br />5 <br />6 Chair Duncan opened the hearing and requested Community Development Director <br />7 Dennis Welsch provide a summary of the project report dated June 4, 2003. <br />8 <br />9 western resources (owner) and Watkins Trucking, 2960 Long Lie road have proposed <br />10 to expand Watkins Truck parking on a separate panel east of their current operation (see <br />map). The current trucking operation and contiguous parcel are located in the City Code's <br />12 B -6 zoning district (since 1 955). The trucking operation is a pre-existing, non - <br />13 conforming use within the B -6 mixed use business parr district. The Code does not allow <br />for the issuance of permits for new or expanded trucking operations in this zoning <br />15 district. In addition, Section 1011.04 of the City Code states that when a non - conforming <br />16 use has been discontinued for more than 6 months, it cannot be re-established as a non- <br />17 conforming use — the proposed use must conform to the current zoning. The applicants <br />18 (owner and tenant) have requested a permit to grade and expand graveled parking spaces <br />19 on the vacant contiguously owned parcel. <br />0 <br />1 The Community Development Staff cannot recommend issuance a permit for this case <br />2 (except the Interim Use Permit) because the City Code does not permit re- establishment <br />3 or expansion of a pre - existing non - conforming use issue. <br />4 <br />5 The representative from western resource explained the history of trucking in the <br />26 community. The three parcels were bought as one ten acre site, including the east parcel <br />7 to be used for expansion. He noted the expansion area on many sites are gravel. In the <br />28 fall Watkins will rent 50 trucks for parking on this site, for peak spring, summer and early <br />9 fall trucking. Such space is not needed gear- round. There used to be a berm with gravel. <br />30 It was removed. He explained the trailer parking history. The high wire and <br />31 underground pipes crass this site. <br />3 <br />33 In 1 957 the site was rezoned to B -6 for office buildings with a new bridge (B-2). Twin <br />34 Lakes Freight (Watkins) is the remaining trucker along Terminal Road. <br />35 <br />36 The trucking area now proposed would be secured with a fence. Drainage is to a pond to <br />37 the north. The application would move the existing fence further east and re -grade with <br />38 gravel. <br />39 <br />40 Member Ipsen asked homer many trailers will he on the parcel. Karl Dordal, Watkins, <br />41 stated in 1996 there was seasonal trucking on the situ Watkins does maintain the site. <br />42 Watkins has grown dramatically in recent years. The fall is the peak season for Watkins, <br />43 when they need a secured garbing area. <br />44 <br />