5. Authorized Representatives
<br />District's Authorized Representative is Mark Doneu } Coordinator, Capitol Region
<br />Watershed District, 1 295 Bandana Blvd. E., Suite 108, St. Paul, MN 55108, telephone: (651)
<br />644-8888, or his successor.
<br />City of St. Paul's Authorized Representative is Bruce Elder, Sewer Utility Manager, St. Paul
<br />Public works, 700 City Mall Annex, 25 W. Fourth St., St. Paul, MN 55102, telephone: (651)
<br />266 -6248, or his successor.
<br />Ramsey County's Authorized Representative is Terry Noonan, Project Manager — water
<br />Resources, Ramsey County Public works, 3377 N. Rice St., Shoreview, MN 55126,
<br />telephone: (651) 482-5230, or his successor.
<br />City of losevi ll e's Authorized Representative is Duane Schwartz, Director, Roseville Public
<br />Works, 2660 Civic Center Dr., Roseville, MN 55113, telephone: (651) 490 -2220, or his
<br />successor.
<br />City of Falcon Heights' Authorized Representative is Heather Worthington, Administrator,
<br />City of Falcon Heights, 2077 W. harpenteur Ave., Falcon Heights, MN 55113, telephone:
<br />(651) 644 -5050, or her successor.
<br />6. Conflicts of Interest
<br />6.1 District shall inform its consultant about this Agreement and Partners' funding provided
<br />under this Agreement. District and its consultant shall immediately discuss with the
<br />Partners any current or new client obligation of the firm, which may directly conflict with
<br />the farm's ongoing work under its agreement for consulting spices with District.
<br />7 Audits and Record Keeping
<br />District shall maintain for at least six (6) years all boobs, records, documents and other
<br />evidence directly related to the performance of this Agreement in accordance with general
<br />accepted accounting pnnciples and practices of governmental entities. Upon request and
<br />reasonable notice, District shall permit Partners to examine and copy the hooks, records,
<br />documents, and other evidence maintained by District.
<br />District and Partners shall each have the right to terminate its participation in this agreement
<br />at any time without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event
<br />of such a terminations the terminating entity will pay their share of the costs of the services
<br />satisfactorily performed prior to the date of termination, as determined by the ruining
<br />parties to this agreement. District shall have the right to receive, use, and (subject to the
<br />provisions of the Minnesota Date Practices Act) distribute copies of all materials, work
<br />products, reports and documents prepared by District's consultant, pursuant to the
<br />consultant's agreement for consulting services with District, if such materials, work produ ts,
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