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African Amefican. or Caucasian. if they got rid of it, the *Individuals who, have kept their <br />discrimination inside will take advantage of it's loss and there is nothing the, victim, can, do <br />61 <br />about it. T'he�re are a lot of'People out there wiho will do anything, to prove their point. <br />I would now like to move on to the topic of national human rights, rnoic <br />s " F I I I I <br />peci ically, the, Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the <br />Constitution of the United, States. They are the basic American civil liberties, that the <br />go�v,ernment cannot violate. The Bill of Rights, was ratified in 179, L, three years, after thin <br />constitution. Many other countries have used the Bill of Rights as a model to, their ou,n <br />civil liberties. I think that !he Bill of Rights is still important for the same reason as, the <br />Minnesota Human Rights Act, it is the base of the LJ.S. And our legal system. If it <br />ffrGW i �q i ir:� I* a 0 M41 <br />F 11111� I � In It ; 1 111 q 11111 <br />addressil. It was placed in 1948 and i,s the common standard of achievement for all peopl,e <br />an on <br />d natis w it n the U.N. The very first a,rt,icle of this declaration states, that all human <br />beings are bom free and equal in, dignity and rights. There, are thirty articles in this <br />teclaration. These are the most, basic and probably, the mos�t important of rights. They <br />cre also, sadly, the most, d,efied and least einfoirced, These law--s, have always been broken <br />irind most likely will, always bel broken by sorneone. They are veiy necessary nowadays�, <br />with terron"sts as probably the first rebels you would think, of. Article 26 states that, <br />parents have a, pn I or right to choose what kind, ofeducation shall be given to their children <br />and that everyone has the ri,g�h,t to edu,cat�ion. Often., this 'is not followed., Towns under AF <br />Qae�da rule do not have the choice to, send their daughters to schoiol. <br />