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(d) thi's subdivision contains no independent requiremenli <br />for the publication of any public notice., <br />Qualified newspaper. "Qualified, newspaper" <br />means a newspaper which complies with al,l o,f the provisions or <br />section 331A.02. The following terms, when, found in laws <br />I <br />referriin,g to the publication of a public notice, shall be taken <br />to mean a qualified newspaper.. "qualified lielgal newspaperlN, <br />liplegal, newspaper,111i "official newspaper.."' "newspaper,," and <br />"medium of' officli,al, and legal publication." <br />40 0 <br />a <br />HI ST: 1,984 C S43 s 201, 1986 c 444 <br />3,3, 1A,. 10 2 <br />331A.02 Reau,ireme�nts for a qualified newspaper. <br />Subdivision 1. Qualification. No newspaper in this <br />state shall be en,ti,tled,to any compensation or fee for <br />publishing any public notice unless it is qualified as a medium <br />of official and legal publication. A newspaper, that is not <br />qualified musit inflorm a public body that presents a public <br />notice for pub!-Icatlon that it is not qualified. To be <br />qualified as a medium of official and legal publication, a <br />newspaper shall: <br />(a) be printed 'in the English lanSua2[e in newspaper f orniat <br />and in column, and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at <br />least 1,0100 square inches, or 800 square 'inches if the local <br />Iii ubc corporation the newspaper purports to, serve has a <br />populatilon of' undier 1,,,3010 and the newspaper does not receive a <br />public subsidy,;, <br />4'b) if a daily, ble distributed at least five days, each <br />11 - .1 11.11"..." . ......... <br />http,-,//www',blin/geitstatchap.PI 12/2iO/2002 <br />