<br />1-ist of newspapers that have f Iled. ACceptance of a filing doe
<br />not clon,s,t', litute a guarantee by the state that any other
<br />quacation has been met. i
<br />subid. 2. Earlier qualification. Newspapers which
<br />have been qualified, on may 2iO, 1965, as medi
<br />lu,ms Of Officlal and
<br />legal pu,bcation shall remain qualified oinly If they meet the
<br />requirements of subid-iVision except as follows.
<br />a,
<br />(a) if on, May �20, 1,965, any newspaper i,s a qualified medium
<br />of official and legal publication but is printed in a foreign
<br />language, or 'in English and a foreign language, and otherwise
<br />qualifies as a medium, of official and legal, publication pursuant
<br />V 01
<br />to thie requirements of subdivision shall be, a medium of
<br />official and legal publication so long as It otherwise qualifies
<br />pursuant to the requirements of subdivision 1,.
<br />(b) if on May 20, 19651, any newspaper has been circulated
<br />in and near the municipality which it purports to serve to the
<br />extent of at least 240 but less than 500i copiesil regularly
<br />delivered to, paying subscribers and otherwise qualifies as a
<br />®# of official, and legal publication plursuan,t to the
<br />requirements of subdivision 1, it shall be a medium of Ofticial
<br />and legal publ-liciation so long as at least, 240 copies are
<br />regularly, so ciriculatied and deliviered and it, Otherwise qualifies
<br />pursilua,n,t to, the requirements of subdivision 1.
<br />A
<br />subid. 3. Publilicationo suspension, changes. The
<br />0 r
<br />following circumstances shall not affect the qualification of a
<br />n,ewspapier, invalidate an otherwise valid Publication, or
<br />invalidate a designation as official. newspaper for publication
<br />of county board proceedings.
<br />(a) Suspension of' PublicatIon. f'lor a period, of not more than
<br />three coin s ecut ive months resulting from the destruction of its
<br />known office of 'issue, equipment, or other facility by the
<br />elemen,t,s, unforeseen accident,,, or acts of Giod or by reason of a
<br />labor dispute.
<br />(b) The consolilidati'lon of one newspaper, with another
<br />pkublished in the same county, or a change 'in, its name or
<br />91wnership,i or a temporary change in its known office of issue,,
<br />(c) Change of the day of publication, the frequency of
<br />Publication, or the change of the known office of' issue from onf..
<br />place to another within thei, same county. Except as provided in
<br />this subdivision, suspension of publication, or a change of
<br />known, office of' issue from one county to another,, or failure to
<br />maintain, its known of'fi,cle of 'issue in the county,, shall deprive
<br />a, newspaper of its standing asi a medium of official and legal
<br />Ftublilication until the newspaper again beclome�s qualified pursuane
<br />to subdivision 1.
<br />http-://www.revisor,leig.,sltate.m,n.,u,s/cgi-bil,nJgeitstatch,ap.,pl 12/20/21002
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