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Member Vanderwall clarified that the intent was for a comprehensive and <br />standard asset management system and cost - sharing of such a system across the <br />board for all City assets, above and below ground. <br />Mr. Schwartz concurred, noting that with the Parks Master Plan Phase I <br />Implementation being initiatives, the timing was right to build a history for those <br />assets and their replacement, including their initial cost, maintenance and other <br />items right from the start; with many management programs having a very broad <br />perspective that included rolling stock (vehicles and equipment), facilities, <br />infrastructure, park assets, trees, signs, etc.; most of w thically ch were GIS -based and <br />ons <br />allowing for easy and understandable presentati gr from the data. <br />Chair DeBenedet advised that his intent in exposing the PWET Commissioners to <br />this issue was to encourage its support and recommendation to the City Council to <br />make sure the City took seriously implementation of an asset management <br />program and to provide consistent in -house staffing to establish background and <br />historical information as a base line and for moving forward. Chair DeBenedet <br />Page 10 of 12 <br />