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Roadway Adjustments Narrowing Lanes <br />Purpose <br />The reduction of the typical pavement width <br />along a roadway. The narrowing can be achieved <br />physically by removing part of the pavement <br />surface or by simply using pavement markings to <br />indicate narrow travel lanes. <br />Effects <br />Volumes <br />Little or no effect <br />Speed <br />Possible reduction in speed <br />Traffic Noise and Air <br />Little or no effect <br />Traffic Safety <br />Potential for improved pedestrian safety due to shorter street crossing times, but <br />at the same time bicycle safety may be compromised by physically removing part <br />of the pavement surface. <br />Advantages <br />• Use of pavement markings to narrow street is relatively inexpensive ($0.20 per <br />lineal foot). <br />• Narrowing of street may provide opportunity for street beautification programs <br />Disadvantages <br />• May require the prohibition of on- street parking causing hardship or <br />inconvenience for residents <br />• May result in shifting volumes to adjacent streets if number of lanes is reduced <br />Problems Targeted <br />• Wide residential streets where speed reduction is desired <br />• Excess street volume on multilane streets <br />Design <br />• Must not create significant impact due to loss of parking <br />APRIL 2005 24 <br />