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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL DISCUSSIONIDIRECTION <br />DATE: 11/17/9�7 <br />ITEM N.0.- <br />240artMent Approval,-* Mana�geir Approval.- Agenda Section: <br />.teFn Description: Interim, Rieport on Rambler Redesign Program <br />1,0 Bacftroun <br />Paift.ofthe City's housing action Plan inicludes, a derrionstration of the Rambler <br />Renaissance or rekbirth through the use of good d�elsi*gn from a architect who specializes <br />-.n residential design w,olr�k., A clity sponsored design gr�ant was, to be, awa�rded to three <br />I <br />.iomeowners wh�o w�oluld agree to participate in the design and remodeling of their <br />L- <br />to.n,e., <br />0 <br />1uring the spring and summer olf'l 9i9�71 the redesign process, was un�dertaken with threS <br />�Iroperty ownerse. <br />(Diane and Randy) 978, Sherron, <br />The Bein�tley Family, <br />The M�eyers Family,, (Linda and Roger) 31084i Farringto <br />The Bates Famlly,i (Vicki and Howie) 20,90 Cohans,ey', I <br />No constriuct�lion has started yet,, but two o�f'th�e three Projects are completing the, bidding <br />process and looking forwa�rd to constructilon in 19i9�81. Stev�e Quarn/Tim Ful�ler will <br />presien�t a br�ief overview and 'introduce familles., who m�ay, have a few commentsi on th�ei�r <br />e 1 1 date., <br />lxper�i�ence to <br />SUggestedi Cou—ncil.-AStfon: <br />No action necessary on thi�s relpo,rt. C,om�ment,s and direction are a,lwa,ys welcome., <br />