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I -iof-wy. <br />for recovery ofout-of-p e <br />ockt and pr 'ected costs from p,erisoIns usine the Pubhc riights <br />a <br />oj 4- <br />0, <br />Sec. 707.02, Dermit i ons. <br />The following definitions apply in, this Chapter of this Code, References hereafter to "sections <br />are unless otherwise speciriea references to sections in ini,s', C'hapiter. Defined, terms rema 'in <br />defined terms whether or not capitalizied. <br />(a) "'Applicant" means any person requesting per nission to, excavate or, obstruct, a, right- <br />of-way. <br />(b) "Business District"' means that portion of the clity lying wl*Nn and bounded by th* <br />following streets: to be, subsequently designated. <br />1# '07.28, city, <br />(c) "City" means the City of'Roseville, Minnesota. For purposes of sec,tion 7 <br />means its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents. <br />(e) "Degradation" means the acceile�rated depreciation, of'the right-of-way caused by <br />excavation m" or disturbance of the right-of-way, resulting 'in, the need to recionsitrucit such <br />right-of-way earlier, than would be required, if the excavation, did not oic,cu,r. <br />P <br />M "Degradation Cost" means money paid to, the City to cover the cost associated wit <br />a decrease "in the useful life ■ <br />of a public right-of-way caused by excavation. I <br />(g) "Department," means, the Department of Public Works of the City,- <br />(Lh) "Department" Inspector" means any person, authon*zed by the Director to carry out <br />N <br />