2 1143%
<br />1 1L
<br />Regular meeting of'the City Council - November 1. 0. 1997. 6:30 Pe�U.111
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following mem,be,ris present: Mascihka. ROLL CALL
<br />Goedeke, Wiski (arrived at 6:,35 p.m.,) , and Acting Mayor Mastel. Members absent.-
<br />Mayor Wall.
<br />B-1 Goedeke moved, Masc,hka seconded, that the minutes of the regular meeting, of MINUTES
<br />October 27, 1,997', be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Maschka, Goiedeke, Wiski,
<br />and Mastel., Na,ys: None.,
<br />11-2 Maschka. moved, Wiski seconded., that the minutes of the special meeting of
<br />November 5, 1,997, be approved. R.oll Call. Ayes, Miaschka. Goledeke., Wiski,
<br />and, Mastel., Nays: None.
<br />Maschk�a moved, Goed,eke seconded. that the Consent Agenda, Items C- I CONSENT
<br />through, C-4, be approved. Roll Call Ayes.- Ma,s,c,hka,, Goledeke, Wiski and AGENDA
<br />Mastel., Nays: None.
<br />4i
<br />C-1 Maschka moved, Goedeke seconded, that Ml*c,hael Da,lys request for, a vanance MICHAEL
<br />at 2130 Hand Avenue, to reduce the side yard setback to six feet for the purpose DALY
<br />of replacing an attached single car garage with an attached two ciar gaxage, be
<br />approved. Roll, Call,, Ayes: Maschka,, Goedek,e, Wi,ski, and Mastel. Nays-I None.
<br />C-2 Maschk,a moved, Goledeke seconded, that Greg Sc,hroder"s, request for a minor GREG
<br />variance at 264i6 Matilda Street, toi increase the height of a fence within the SCHRODE
<br />front yard setback, area of C."ounty Road C to 6.5 feet, be approved. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Maschka, Goedeke, Wiski, and Mastel. Nays: None. I
<br />C-3 Maschka moved, Goedeke, seconded, that the attached 19917-1998 Business BUSINESi
<br />License Applications be approved. Roll Call, Av,es: Maschka, Goedeke, W*'sk',l LICENSE
<br />and Mastel. Naysi: None.
<br />C-4 MascN!cca moved,, Goedeke seconded, that the following bills and total, amounts APPROVAL OF
<br />be approved: BILLS
<br />Check Nos. 17401 - 17:413 $1205,930.70
<br />23503 - 2i3657 460.,22,0.82
<br />2,3658 - 2,3778 1 ZI
<br />- 2940479.,5 r
<br />$960-1631-06
<br />I
<br />Roll, Call, Ayes,.- Maschka, Goledeke, WI'ski, and Mastel. Nays.di None.
<br />