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DEC 04 Yl 197 04 PM PETk, BELL) COWV.PJENSE P1 -3/12 <br />WSJ <br />A. Age,.- All members', �niciuding officers, of' the Volunteer Fire <br />i <br />Department sih,all bei not less, than eighteen (1,8) years of age. They <br />shall become members of thel Fire Department afteT a one year <br />probationary pein"od. <br />C11 Physi'cal Examinau'lon: Candidates may also be required to undergol <br />a c,omp�le�te ph,ysicail examinations as a condition of <br />employment in conjunction, with an, oiffe,r of employment. (Ord. <br />10151 1 11 -30-881;1 amdl 1995' C'ode) <br />WfNIT; <br />A., Chl'efs: The dutl of the Fff'e, Chief and, sublordinaile, Chiefs shall <br />i <br />scriptions prepared by the C* Manager. <br />be establ" hed by job, de <br />Such job, descri"ptionsi may desi'gnatei job fities forl suborffinate <br />Chieft such, as, " Deputly Chief" and Assistant Chief. <br />I <br />1. Equipment: The Chief sbAl have ciointrol, olver all of the <br />fmefighting apparatus and, shall, be sollely, responsible for fts care <br />andi condiotion. <br />2. R oft <br />eports.- ne Chief' sha,ll make an annual repl to the Civi <br />Council, at, owl of its meetings or whenever die City Council, sha,ll <br />al <br />desim, aS to the condit'il of the equli'pment and, needs ofthe F I ire <br />s <br />s a nd <br />Depam int. The Chief may submit additional report <br />recommendations, at - any, meei,tmg olf'Eb�e Ciry Council and the Chief <br />