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I <br />shall, report each suspension of a, member of the, Fire Departmeni <br />at the first meeting olf the City Council following each, su�spensioln. <br />3. Trammmog: The Chief shall be respoinsill bile for, the proper III imng <br />and discne of the, members of the Fire Department and may <br />I <br />suspend any member for refusial or neglect to obey orders , pend Wing <br />final, action, by thei City Councild, on, the m,eimbeiri's discharge or <br />rietention,' (Ord. 6911, 1-15-731-, amd., 19,95 Code) <br />Deputy Chief: In the abse�ncile or disability of'the Chief, the Deipuriri <br />I <br />o I <br />Chief shall perform, all f Lhe functions and, exercise all oif the <br />authonty of the CWef'. The Deputy Chief' shall, be assigned <br />responsibilitilies by the Chlef. (Ord. 77'1, 12-29-751) <br />106.081:1 PRACTI ' CE DRILLS: Practice drillsi will be held, in <br />accordance wfth, the Consfitution and Bylaws of the <br />Roseville Voll,unteer Fi Department. (Ord. 61911, 1-1,5-73) <br />106-09: MEMBERSHIP FORFEITURE: A firefighEer may be <br />I <br />i,ture of <br />b <br />memersbip the, Department <br />subj�eict, to forfeW M <br />thei firefighter does not, meet the followi drilil, and c,all <br />W 1, <br />requirementsio, <br />T"C <br />B. N.W9enCy Calls: Each firefigbteri shall respond to, at least Ehdrry <br />percent (301%) of emergency calls (as 'is moire fully, delineated at <br />Paragraph 5.3 of the Bylaws of the, Roseville Volunteer Fire <br />Department) for the member iiiiI, si dilostrictiiiii, except calls occurring <br />during thefollowing times shall, not be counted-P <br />