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Departnient Approval: <br />\A 0 <br />DATE: 12/1,5/917 <br />Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section. <br />item Description: Future Transit *in Roseville—Discussion, <br />Background: <br />As travel becomes more difficuk Roseville's central location could, offer our communi, i ty sign:ificant strategic <br />advantage. Currently, Rosimillc 'is well served by the existing highway system, Our future success will <br />a <br />Of our *sfing roadway system but considerable ftnProvernents "in transit and, <br />r-*equire not only maintenance exi <br />other altemate travel modes as well. It is important that we rentain aware of these future needs and are able <br />to express and support them when planning Al �unding opportunities anse. <br />2. Trans A S 10,500,10001 of federal funds have been allocated for development and <br />consttuction or a transitway along Hiawatha Avenue from downtown Minneapolis to the airport. twal <br />This facility could mclude light ral"I transit (LRT) or a dedicated bus facility like the UofM transit <br />between the Minneapolis and St. Paul campuscs. <br />North Stari COM'dor S This partially fcderally funded initiative, ($350,000 federal, $87,,50�O <br />local) reviews the feasibility of commuter rail between St., Cloud and, downtown Wnneapoilis. The <br />proj I ect includes plan=* g, analys is, engineering and minor Itransit improvements <br />