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This Lease is made as of December 1992t by and between <br />(""), the <br />Aosela,wn, Cemeteryl a non-profit corpo Landlord and <br />ration. <br />IN <br />City, of' Rosevillepi a mun,icipal icorlpor,iation (*Tenant"). <br />ANIF <br />PREMISES: Landlord herieby leases to Tenant,, and Tenan <br />hereby leases f'riom Land,lordp the priellmisies located in the City o <br />Roseville? County of Ramsely,, Statei, o�f Minnesota, legally <br />described in Exhibit "A"' attached hiereto, ("Premi'ses") . I <br />2, TERM*, The term of this Lease commences on Tanuary <br />9 <br />1,99�3, and e xp 19p*rles, on December 31, 20430 <br />4, USE-o The Tenant will, have the unrestricted use of the <br />Premisesir Subject to the provisions contained 'in Provision 7 <br />bellowO Tenant will comply, with all, presenit and future laws, <br />ordi"Mances, regulations and orders of all, governmental units <br />Is <br />having jur,isdii ction over the Premises* <br />H <br />