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R.IGEIQUEST FOR, COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 12/jUME., <br />ITEM NO, <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Consent Agenda <br />item Description: Fire Relief Pensiolnl <br />Backoroun - 1 <br />At the direction. of the City Council, staff and the Relief Association <br />have been preparing an investment policy statement. to become part of <br />the Associazion,'s, request, for increased benefits* <br />Tiholse policies have, been completed and are enclosed under separate <br />clover,. <br />Recommiendat "ion <br />The recommendation, of the, staf f and Relief' Associat 'ion 'is currenr..Ly <br />4 40 <br />be ing prepared, and, w Oil 11 be avai.La'ble by meeting time,. <br />Tit <br />