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ImEQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE* 12/14/92 <br />Departme, Approval Manager Reviewed � • � . Section <br />V- organizational ,. _ ,. <br />Item Volunteer • II Il s Rea,piplointmentsiz <br />BiagWro <br />As required, by Resolution 8401t attached, is a list of Volunteer Commis- <br />s,ion members whose terms will, <br />expire r i # members <br />served whose terms will expire have <br />other members are eligible for, rieappol intment to additional, terms,. <br />rhe council may determine eligibilsty <br />attendance Members <br />and other <br />factors �. may ar <br />• i !N II �- committees limited maximum i <br />full, consecutive four, year terms or three full consecutive three year <br />terms as i <br />OF Ethics, commission three, three year term <br />Human Righ,tis Commission three, three year term <br />Parks and Recreation commission <br />police Service Commission <br />Planning Commission # year II <br />Resolution 8401 also requires, that the Council be provided with writte <br />comments om chair Nllr each, commission _ # .; d i ^- reappointmeni I <br />of, the respective members-a <br />ataff <br />chairs The Council may,, at this time, make initial d,eit,eirmin 1 <br />eligibility for reappointmentse Staff will then contact the comm*ssloon <br />pointment.1 Staff will also contact those elioible for reappointment to <br />determine <br />