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rwdract of Minutes <br />of the City <br />Council of the City, <br />of Roseville, Ramsey County, esiota <br />ftrsuant. to due and notice thereiof a regular meeting Of the City COuncV. <br />of the City of Roseville , Ramsey County . Minnesota, was held at the CIty HAU in, the <br />City on Monclays, -December 14, 1992, commen at 7:30 P*M* <br />The i + / members, h +! f present <br />w gi resolution was presented by Councilmemberl whj <br />The follovnn <br />NN • M; 0 <br />RESOLUTION NE R O r THE ISSUANCE <br />AND, SALE OF' $1,9751000 GENERAL OBLIGATION <br />IMPROVEMENT BONDS9 SERIES, 199�3 <br />BE IT' RESOLVED By the, CitY C0UnCfl Of the City, of Roseville, Ramsey <br />or <br />county., N! s NN <br />It is hereby detemdned Nf <br />"3171 <br />-10 <br />