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ission grew along with b vision and gioal�s to become progressive in community based prevention <br />awv*., In Januvy of IIIIINIIiiiii, ft Mayors" Commission Against Drugs receWed a, Want ftom the Stwe of <br />Minnesota Office of Drug PIol'i�cy, to pilot #me efforts. At that time, a coordinator was hiried to organize <br />formal planning and kriplement. statewof.,Mewwart cavvi unty collaboration. Th�e coordinator expanded the <br />ves *om a broader base Of community <br />MaYoW Commission AaWnst Drugs to, Include rsixese <br />o" 9 ou ou '"rim mayors- <br />organizad ns for fti purpose of pftnning arid Impl �nig prevention programs Iniflatives.1 <br />� their' � l r Commission ' Des coordinator r ion" <br />ProjW% goals since r of 198910 <br />planning This <br />In March of' 19,92 the expanded MayoW CAxImnission laund*d' a formal c <br />ANI <br />PFOCOU will _11p —ar- ed ftir efforts by focusing ori famil�y Issues and soldilial rMms, are rod cat of many of <br />W on <br />pr veMon model and the Minnesota Institute of Public Plealth's 26 Promising Prevention Strategies aeon <br />U.S. Office for Substance Abuse Prevention's, 1 989 Prelygnoon Plui rk It Manual,. "tr ue r small and <br />1.) CHANGE SOCIAL NORMS -BY: <br />o PlaUng emphalsis mi changing adift alcohol,,, Wball. ndother drug use affiwdes and behaviors. <br />lo Developingi all normative expectation of non-use among young Pelople under 21. <br />ipmer and Is, <br />In July of 1992 the Chismim of Commerce the work and family InItkove to <br />by markeonIg th�e program to all the Chiambler's businesses. As a, W of fts innovative prevendon <br />w <br />i � will sponsor ollf f�e� Minnesota C'hemi�� H � �"� Vii' �� � ��. � Th"T <br />long term golif Is tol develop d #W of thel United <br />'hie.. tw I 1w Ingredients to, impel nting this Mayors' Comillifmion's progressive mate are: . they <br />9 <br />