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11 <br />L0 4474115TSIFIZ 0 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a, regular meeting of the C ity <br />Counc 411 of the City of Roseville,, County of Ramsey, Minnesota was duly <br />i4eld on the 9th day, of Novembeir,., 1992, at 7:30 pomoi <br />'The fol,l,iowin,g, members, were presents <br />and, the following were absent: <br />& 4 <br />Mlember introduced, the resolution and moved it-a <br />adoption: <br />RESOLUTION N10. <br />: <br />0 7 6 1 1 6 <br />A <br />Vl , 0 el <br />4 0 M <br />is committed to residential waste <br />WHEREAS, 'the Rosevi ll,e C ilty Counc 0 1 <br />abatement through i0ts, curbsiode recycling program;, and <br />WHEREAS,, in, order 'to improve Rosevillell's, curbside recycling program and <br />minimizie the cost 'to Roseville residents; and <br />WHEREAS,, the County of' Ramsey has Funding Grants available for <br />1993 P <br />11 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOINED, that the City Manager, is authorized to <br />submit a grant, application to the County of Ramsey for a 1993 SCORE <br />*I <br />Fu,nd,ing Grant for, use in Rosevi"Ale,'s residential recycling program. <br />a <br />The, moti on for the adoption of the foregoing. resolution was duly <br />seconded by Member , and upon a, vote, be ingi taken thereon the <br />following voteld in favor thereof,,*. 41 <br />and , and the following voted, aga inst the same: <br />I <br />STATE OF' MINNESOTA) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />41 <br />IF 'the undersigned, being the duly qualif i6ed City Manager of the Coty <br />1 <br />of Roseville,, County, of Ramsey, State of Minnes,olt,a,,i do hereby certify <br />that I have carefully compared the ., attached and foregoing extract of <br />minutes of' a regular meeting, of said City, Council held on the 9th day <br />of' November', 1992, with the original, thereof' on file 'in ray off i4ce. <br />$I <br />'WITNESS MY HAND off icially, as, such Manager this, th day of November,, <br />19920 <br />Steven R.1 Sa,rkolzy, City Manager <br />� -03 <br />A_ <br />