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2011_1109_Ethics Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Ethics Commission
2011_1109_Ethics Packet
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V. Ethics Ti� <br />wi-w►rs wROn� vuTM TMs �cn�? <br />Recently a former Courrty Sheriff (nawa police officer) inaugurated an educational <br />charityfoundation, and in its program materials included a photo of himself in his old Sherif�s <br />uniform, alor� with references to his former position. A spokesman for the current Sheriff <br />stror�ly objected, sayir�that a false impression of incumbency was conve�red bythis <br />advertisi ng. <br />In another case, a State emplayee in the Capitol complex habitually parked in the free <br />customer parkir� lot of a nearby retail establishmerrt (which had "customers onl�/' signs in full <br />view) Aftersome morrths, hefound a letterfromthe business on hiswindshield, notifyir� him <br />that his car vwuld be towed if it were found there agai n. I n a fit of ar�er, he dashed off an <br />emotional and profane response to the comparry manager, usi r� his departmerrt's letterhead <br />and erivelope. <br />In both of these instances, a public emplayee thought that his gavernmerrt job errtitled <br />hi m to certai n"perks" or status. <br />• Was this ethical? <br />• WFien can you explicitly use your job with the Gtyto wield influence in a publicforum? <br />Certainlyyou have First Arriendment rights to voice your opinion, er�age in political <br />activity, or to give testimorry on issues of public concern. But in arry of these verrtures, unless <br />the Gty Council or other legitimate authority has expressly appoirrted you as a spokesperson, <br />you must declare that you speak only as a private citizen, maki r� it crystal clear that you do nat <br />represerrt arry elected or appointed gavernmerrt official, arry agency or commission. <br />The political season is on us in full force, so rerrember to watch your vwrds as a <br />Roseville emplayee. The vwrld is listenir�! <br />
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