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6 q6 <br />0:4 Do * 4 z <br />1 <br />Pursuant, to due call and notice thereof,,, a meeting of the City Council <br />of the City of Roseville, County of' Ramsey, Minnesota was duly held on <br />the tih day, of <br />1,992 at, 7*30 P*Mw <br />a <br />The follow,ing members"were present. <br />and the following were absent*. None. <br />Membieir introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption, <br />r%ESOLUTION ONO* 1 <br />MOMMMMM <br />WHEREAS,, the City Council, held, a public hearing to determine whether o, <br />not said portion of Aldine Street in the City of Roseville should b <br />vacated <br />41 <br />WHEREAS, because the portion, of Aldine Street is unimproved and not <br />necessary foripiublic street piurposies; and <br />WHEREAS, 'it, would, be benef icial to the public interest to vacate said <br />-vortion of Aldine Street. <br />oft <br />NOWt THEREFIOREr BE IT, RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City o <br />Roseville hereby vacates the, portion, of Aldine Street over the propert <br />,described as, follows: I <br />IF1 aw � <br />IZ Eel <br />MR <br />ALdmk <br />The motion, for- the adoption of the, foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded by Member and upon a vote being taken thereon, the <br />following vote, in favor thereof'.1 <br />and the following voted against the same.* <br />V lip <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />Ss <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />1, the undersictnied, being, the, duly quali,fieid City Manager of the City of <br />Roseville, Clounty' of Ramse, State of Minneso,tia do hereby certify that <br />I <br />I have carefully compared, the, attached and, foregoing extract of minutes <br />a <br />of a regular reet,ing of said, City Council, held on the day o f <br />1,9912,, with the origilinal tihereioif on file in" my office,. <br />