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An item concerning the sign ordinance is scheduled for the <br />I The following three <br />October 19,,, 1992 City Council work session., <br />items will be discussed at that meeting'.1 <br />s 117 i i1l fl II • • * ri <br />i giving intermittent rotating beans g <br />be permitted 'in any diestrict, Where the message or graphic <br />Ilk 0 <br />content of a sign can, blei changed by mechanical or electronic <br />beams, such message may not change more than once every 24 <br />,hours i i except, messages displaying 1 t t i <br />Op <br />temperature . ) 11 <br />Egipresentativgsi from the banks, which have electronic message <br />cienters have requested an opportunity to discuss this matter <br />further with the Colunci,ll.. They will be present at the <br />October 19�, 1,992 work L .®, <br />f <br />The <br />Planning Commission has recommended that Section J <br />POI s- amended f 1 read as, follows,,,, <br />would The City, Council has expressied concern that, this provisioln- <br />give unfair advantage, to those in primary <br />over a opponent who would only be in the general election. <br />