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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 10-12--92 <br />ITEM NO 0, : B 'I <br />Department Approval ManagierRevimewed. Agenda Section. <br />2, Mri, Petersion Oil s requesting a variance to allow him to <br />,construct, a 7x7 foot addition onto his existing dwell $Ing to <br />enclose the entry area on the north side of the dwell 'Ing. <br />The, proposed addition would be setback 23 feet from' the <br />property line adjacent, to Millwood instead of the requi*red 30 <br />feet . <br />30, The Minor Variance, Committee unanimously recommended approval <br />is <br />,of' the variancie., The Committee believed there were no other <br />altiernativies to the, proposal and that the addition was a <br />41 <br />min,Imal size and, would not adversely impact the property, <br />lilliq iiiiiii I <br />Alternatives: <br />Oi <br />Deny the var,lance based on, the f inding that no hardship or <br />practical diff 11"culty exists,. <br />Am. 6 <br />Ara Grant thel variance based on, the finding that there are <br />h I <br />ardship or practical difficulties on the site, <br />41 <br />Polilcv Objectives'. <br />1 18 To insure that devellopment occurs consistent with the Cityvs <br />d a <br />zoning or inance. <br />To grant variances where hardship or practical dl' f f i4culties <br />exist.i <br />It <br />Staf f R .1on: <br />clommendar <br />41 <br />recommended that the C ity Council approve john <br />Peter'son"s, request for a 7 foot variance at 2945 N, Albert <br />Street. <br />