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0 <br />Regular meet,ing of the City, Council September 28, 1992,s 7*030 PaXa <br />The City Clouncil met loin the above date with the following ROLL CALI <br />members present,*, Johnson, r <br />Thomas, <br />V. Johnson. Members absent: None <br />*%is, APPROVAL OF XINUTES <br />A-1 P. Johnson moved,, Cushman selconded,, that the minutes MINUTES <br />of the regular meeting of September 14, 1,99,2, be <br />approved., Rolili Call,, Ayes,*. P. Johnson, Cushman, <br />Masichka, Thomas, and Koine. <br />A144012 P,. Johnson moved,, MA <br />of thei specill"al meeting of September 21, 19912, be <br />approved0i Rol,l, Call,, Ayes,, Pi. Johnson, Cushman, <br />Masichka, Thomas,,, and, V. i <br />g B-1 I • I it * ,� through B be <br />' * m <br />B-Ii Maschka moved, Cushman seconded,, that, Rosevelle water <br />■ 1.44 X14 1 I . <br />+r Maschka VII a Resolution 8837, RE' <br />fµ ■ preparation .r s <br />for City Project ST-92-27,, Wewers Road/Rice Street <br />drainage improvements, be adopted., Roll, Call, Ayes. <br />P. Johnson, Cushman, Masc,h,ka,i Thomas,, and V. Johnson, <br />ei <br />Nayse None <br />