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y <br />UWUIEST PORI COUNCIL ACTION DATE** 8/12/92 <br />r • r agreement <br />Rose <br />e <br />I <br />Agenda Section: <br />A, agreement has, been, provided <br />,has determined, that its board does not need to, approve the agreement <br />All that is necessary is approval agreement # signature by <br />easement of f'ic,ials, of the City of Roseville. <br />is <br />ON <br />The proposed agreement contains the following ma3or conditions . <br />C1* tiy would grant the MWCC a permanent <br />,adequate to opleratie the, interceptor facility across that part of <br />Avenue <br />2. Othier than the John Rose Oval facilityr no buildings, <br />temporary - storage <br />interceptor, facility within the easement, will be allowed. <br />3 The City of Roseville will hold the MWCCl harmless for any claim <br />a a arise Minnesota Oval. <br />repair The Citiy will agree to pay for any extraordinary costs associated <br />interceptor facility <br />locating the speed skating oval within the vacated street right�of- <br />way, which is part of the permanent easement. <br />5* Should the MWC1C, f i,nd, it necessary to di,stiurb the John Rose <br />MIM innesota, r to maintain, operate, replace, repair <br />its fac"11ty, all costs relating to the disturbance of the oval <br />Oilf �i <br />