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D*�&Wqjmq 61,kZ4, 0 <br />ill <br />Pursuant to due call and noiti,cile thereof',,, a regular meeting of the <br />City Council, of the City of Rosevillie, County of Ramsey, Minneso <br />tia was duly held on the 28th day of September,, 1992 at 7:30 pomo <br />1 0 0 <br />The fo'llowing members were present. <br />1. and-the ollowi,ng were absentl <br />is <br />Member intr,old,uce,d, the following resolution and <br />moveld "Its adopti"Lon. <br />.4 2MO IWO <br />1993 ROSIE PARADE <br />AS PARTI OF <br />R I <br />MWAL OSEFMST1 CE MION <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED., that the City of Roseville authorizes the <br />City Parade Committee, under the supervision of the Roseville <br />Par,ks, and Recreati"on DeplartimentF to organize, raise funds for, <br />d, host the Rose Parade. <br />The, notion, for tih,e adoption, of the foregoing resolution was dul <br />sielcoinded by Member . and upon a vote being take <br />th,ereon,, tih,e follow,31l; voted, in favor thereof: <br />and' the following voted, against same: <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />