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Bruce Andersont Case, No* 2,465 Vage, 2 <br />Oil <br />The prople,rity i s quilded LR - Low Density Residential and 'i's zoned <br />R-1 Single Family Riesidentioalo The proposed plat is consistent <br />with the Plan and, the Zoning Code. <br />There are two <br />seiparatile s,sues: whethier the street vacation is <br />le and <br />reasonab-a <br />I <br />whether the proposed <br />plat <br />is reasonable,, The <br />street vacation appears reasonable <br />since <br />there is no public <br />purpose to the <br />segment of.right-of-way <br />being <br />vacated and Olt is not <br />likely that thiere will ever be a need <br />for a <br />public street in thi's <br />IS <br />location, given <br />01 <br />the surrounding development and land use., <br />I <br />The mmum standards <br />in, thie Codei for sil"inale <br />Aff <br />family lots are <br />85,F <br />w idtho, 1,1,0,1 depth,, and 11,,000 equare <br />feet in <br />area. The lots <br />meet <br />the requirement. for <br />dienith and area, <br />but not for wiedth. <br />Th is <br />entire neighborhood was platted with, <br />751-wide <br />lotsi., With the <br />15-* <br />adjustment of tihe lot <br />lines described <br />abovejp the three lots in the <br />new plat are all at <br />least 751 wide <br />and are <br />consistent with <br />the <br />existing, character, of <br />this area. <br />The new lot lines wilil leave a 51 sivide yard setback to both of the <br />with the side setbacks in <br />existing homes, which, is, also coins istelint <br />thi's neighborhoodol <br />�i <br />41 <br />Park diediciation IS Mqu iried f or, all pilats,. • f ee of $500 gin lieu <br />0i <br />of land d,ed,ication will be required for the one new lot that is <br />being created, i <br />Wh"M <br />'Theii proposed street, vaciat 'lion is reasonable and appropriate,, given <br />a <br />the context within, the Citys The prolploised plat is consistent v ith <br />C ity size and, depith standards and w lip th the the lot widths in the <br />'I a <br />g hb ho od Wei recommend approval of both <br />exisitinig surrounding neior. <br />requestsilli <br />