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4i=e ST_raT*WF,gni Ordinance 9/21i/92 <br />114t4ro n-WI <br />A, sign or Poster announcing c ates seeking political, office, or <br />issues, <br />• be voted, upon political election. <br />OIF���MMTTMII V71ITNU7f�t-lq <br />I <br />A sign which contains nol advertising is intended to facilitate <br />the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles into, out, of', <br />1 81 <br />around the site on which, the sigm iB locatied <br />I'M MW — <br />4111 1 0 on , <br />41 01 - <br />Advertis ing, sigin,s shall not be permitted in, any district, in the <br />City of Roseville.1 No person shall maintain or erect an, <br />advertiLs3Lng in, of property controlled by hims <br />I <br />4P 10*4101A It�lllllll## 17614P -I Wq-* <br />41 <br />Signs gii,v,ingi off intermittent or rotating beams shall, not be <br />plerm3".tteld in, any district. where the messiage or graphic content of <br />a Bign can be changed by mechanical or electronic means, such <br />message my not change moire than once every twenty-folur hours,, <br />[OptJ.on: except messages displaying time and, temperature.] <br />No Pierson shall place, or allow to, be I placed, a mobile sign, on anj <br />publ i c or piriv,at e property wi thin thei C i tiy di <br />,SOW 091111 Ill-111 ill 1911111me m-en <br />1OOlf signs, roof advertising symbols, roof log,os, roof statutes, or <br />rio,olf siculptu,res shall not be perTnitted 'in any distri'lct. <br />=;no WAW40TmMcIOWOIqv--jWqn6 11 0VOT <br />4 Ii <br />r ing sigin,s sh,al 3: -,net -Cive-eff -an,- I'Mitens 3':tY-e f -!&'I aht-sel-a.9.tze. <br />.:x,otait I Iii <br />41 <br />eaft9tttute a - relt at 3*;nq-beam-er-a-nui": saine le -te -adja ell ent -iial reperty - <br />ewners-r aria prohiibted in, all Districts. <br />111�lil! i Wa <br />WMIIII 7 W,4 Ill! 19 itr-r_ 11 P <br />IOC� . I 1 11111 111 1 ��; 4 i1q44-401 <br />E-jo sign shall ble eriected that by reason olf position, shape or <br />01 <br />color, wou,ld interifeire 'in any way wi'th thell propeti functioningi or <br />f�)lurposle of' a, traffic sign or signal, All disiplays shall be shielded <br />