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UUMN <br />received, either friom, Mr., Verhagen. We were asked to provide a <br />total itemization of the billing including the $500 payment to the <br />contra,ctor and other charige,s for the project including <br />Gi 0 0 41 <br />admini strat ion and f i1nancing. Th,isi information. has been provided <br />to Mr.1 Verhagen. <br />4 <br />Staff, has notified each,affect,e,d pro�perty owner of recommendations <br />regarding their written objections. Hopefully, all property owners <br />understand the staff recommendation for each, of the proposed changesl <br />Pollicy obi 0 ectil Vesi *'Each of the prol"I e�ctis have been assessed in <br />3 1 <br />Rcicorda,nc,ei with, the city assessment policy'. We believe the policy <br />should not be amended, as a result of any, of the written objectionsl <br />I v 11 'S10" 1k) <br />:64 T 1 11 0 :4 <br />Vi <br />Staf f recommends the counc 011, adopt resolutions approvi ng the assessment <br />al <br />rolls as presented wi ith modifications, as outlined in the attached <br />6 <br />sumnary table f or the variious publ ic improvement proj ects 0 <br />