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l�� 1�111!!Iiii <br />*14,14110 ■A 11''111111 11111 11KRat [014sWUL-6 <br />q1I <br />'4407jre��� <br />0 - <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thierelofr a meeting of the C ity Council <br />0 <br />Minnesota was duly held on <br />of' the City of' Roseville, County of Ramsey., <br />the day ol f 191912 0 P -I M <br />'The following members, were present :. <br />and the following were absent.* <br />WHEREAS, . 'the C 116ty Council held a plubil i1c heilaring to determine whether or <br />not said portion of Ferinwolold Stre,le,t, in the City of Roseville should be <br />vacated, I and <br />WHER�EAS , because the said, street righti-,of -iway is no longer necessary f or <br />public street purposes and is necessary for other public purposes; and <br />WHEREAS , thei, C 110ty Counc il has determined that the vacat 'ion of the street <br />would not ',be detrimental to the general health, safety, and welfare of <br />the citizensi of the community*' and <br />.M 9 <br />WHEREAS, it would be, beneficial to the, public interest to vacate said <br />portion of Fernwood, Stireet; <br />NO'W'y THEREFORE, BE, IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of <br />Roseville hereby vacates said port ion of Fernwood Street over the <br />property described as followse-11 <br />ALL THAT PORTION OF FERNWOOiD STREET IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF <br />SECTION' 3, TOWNSHIP291 RANGE 23F RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA LYING <br />SOUTH OF THE SOUTHLINE OF' WOODHILL DRIVE AND LYING NORTH OF THE <br />NORTH LINE OF COUNTY ROAD C. <br />ion of the forgoing resolution was duly <br />-rhe motion for the adopt,'$ e <br />Ii by Membler , and upon a vote being taken thereon, the <br />f ol,low ing vote "in, f iavor, thereof o. <br />and the following voted against the same: <br />mWEREU'PON said resolution was, declared duly passed and adopted, <br />S I 'E OF MINNESOTA <br />TAT <br />SIS <br />COUNTY OF' RAMSEY' <br />