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and- -th Jul, k TI re <br />*nese would M'clude the Rose Plarade, Run, for tb,e Rosies, 4of 'y firewor s. ese a <br />scheduled iin the week preceding the 4th of July. 6001 - 700 cars. <br />31, Speciric pear procedures <br />'M' 0 OW 41 <br />Parking coordmation for specitic events will be required between the event sponsors and city staff., <br />wing. <br />Possible parldng management techniques include the follol * <br />MIDUMM Ms.. <br />Several off-slitei Parking lots would be used for, major events for spectators, and, they could then NAPA <br />Oruse sbuttle vans and busesp Potential off-site lots include, <br />MEFC1 <br />40 Mul <br />1, 4DU $ � - <br />Qi I I I <br />Temporary, electronic traffic and, parking sign boards could, be used to direct parti ci P ants to aNta 1*1 abl <br />rF,arking. Anticipated sign loca • <br />tions would, be on Highwy 36, Snelling, Hamfine Lexington,, Dal <br />and, possibly !-35W. <br />9 F M. qsma a - - - ------- 10 1 <br />0 41 0 <br />Portable signs would be placed in residential areas temporarily prohibiting parxing on one or both <br />sides during an, event. Residents could be given paricing privileges, if necessary'. <br />Some streets or si des of streets coul d be pennan ently posted prohibit ng, paTkin g du,n" n g al I or sel ecte <br />times, iffwarranted. Again, residential parking could be allowed, if needed. <br />14I . 40a-ME <br />0 W 0 <br />i ity promotional materials couldinclude, information encouragi 1 ng, participants an <br />Al,l event or facffi <br />spectators to car pool or use off-isite lots. <br />