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2 & That a fund be established for the preservation of abandoned <br />10 <br />rail corridors if public use is deemed desiorable. <br />nteragency panel, of state a,genc ies and local units of <br />Aw, <br />gov,ernment, be established to dec ide inter 'in and ult imate us.,... <br />of abandoned corr idors and to assist with conf 1 imct <br />resoluti on 1"if needed,, <br />The mot ion for the iad,olptioin of the foreigoing resolution was duly <br />seconded hy Member , and, upon a vote being <br />Gi <br />taken thereon, the following voted 'in, favor thereof: <br />and the following voted, against the same, <br />41 <br />WHEREUPON said, resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />SS <br />COUNTY OFRAMSEY <br />9i <br />the undersigned being the duly qua,l 'if 'led City Manager of 'the <br />C11"ty of Rosevi'lle,, County of' Ramseyi, State of Minnesota, do <br />hereby certiLfy that, I have carefully c�ompared the attached and <br />foregoing extract of' minutes of a regular meetiong of said City <br />Council held, on the 24th, day of August, 1992, with the <br />original there of ion, file in my, of f ice <br />WITNESS MY HAND as such Manager this 24th, day of August,, 1992 <br />Steven R.1 Sair ko.zy, City Manager <br />