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REQUEST FOIR COUNCIL ACTION DATE 8/24/92, <br />ITEM' N O iMN iIM <br />Ordinancies and Riesiolut ions <br />Itiem MI Chiaritable rr 1111 1Nli Ordinance Revision, <br />B,al <br />At 'the last sievieral ql ql <br />IC "tiable Gambling lord 31"mianicle which, cliarifies, <br />ha iges, to the existing Charl, <br />the IMpurpose making tio the orld,inance, <br />any languiage that may be <br />'The SC11"Ity Attorney has revilewiled proposed d has provided a <br />reviLsed ill' ICY and, pro l■I new <br />laniguagei, The City Attorney •i <br />staff Rec'oI mendat��I� <br />It 1s rIeIicIiorIend d that the C i.t Council ap riove the Charitable Gambil i n <br />Ordinance revis',AIL pis'JIIs, <br />