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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 8/24/92 <br />ITEV NO a 0 <br />6 <br />Department Approval Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />ordinances and Resolutions <br />Ltem Descriptionei ordinance amending Section 14,s130 of the City Code <br />providing for, dates of erection and removal of <br />Political Signs,. <br />BagUriound, 0 <br />The Council, at its August 101 meeting and August 17 work session, <br />reviewed proposied amendments to the Political Sign Ordinance* The <br />Council instructed, that an ordinance, ble prepared containing the follow� <br />a <br />ing amendi III <br />ents, 1. <br />i i <br />In, years, with no Sitatewid,ei election,, if thiere is a pr II * <br />for any office, political signs, for all offices may b <br />posted not more tihan, twentyadionei (21,) days before th <br />11 <br />Primary, Election. I <br />*1 9.1 V no Statewide election, when there is n <br />In, years w3iiirn <br />a <br />primary for any of f 'ice, signs may blei posited not more tha <br />twenty-one (21) daysi beforie thei Geneiral Election. I <br />In years with a, Statewide election, signs may be erecteid] <br />froI Au,gusit 1 until ten days following the State Genera <br />Election . (This is, a State Statute, and takes precedenc, <br />o�ver the City"s ordinance,.,) I <br />Vi <br />Attached isi the proposed ordinance as prievarield by the City Attorney# <br />IT*- W 181 M I IZ4 <br />111 @1 <br />P-on adopting ordance amending Sectioin 14.1310 of the City Code of <br />the City of Roseville providing for dates, of erection and removal of <br /> signs* <br />