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From : '"'AIEU & COMPRNY PHONE No 10 ., ges 0223 1;U9. 19 1992 3:46PM P03 <br />Steve North <br />AIugIuslt 119, 1992 <br />b f Study Group, Chairs, <br />The riole o-F each ahairplerson, is to: <br />(1) Participate in the selection ,olf iludy" Group <br />members <br />sohaduled training and oriatation sessions. <br />Schedule regul,ar meetings, for the Study Group <br />boitwoon, Soptombair I and Dacember 20, 1592. <br />(4) 91 Work with staff' to set agendas for each meeting,. <br />solact razource peoplo oio*l icit app.ropri,ate public <br />0 .11 1 <br />input and partiloapation, frame quiestion/litems to <br />it data,," 4nd. proparia conclusionr. <br />Iola addroaoad,i . volloci <br />and recommendations <br />I <br />A943*Lait., tiho other c�h,airs and staf f in intograting <br />the ind illividual study lgro�ip - rolcommindations into <br />a clompricholincivek and coordinated, set, of final <br />recomnendiationei for inclu4ion in Vto-"Vista 2000 Plaiii. <br />0 IF Study, Gro"p Members w. <br />The <br />role of <br />the Study Group MeMberai <br />3.0 to's <br />(1). <br />-Attend <br />trainting.and, orientatialift <br />massionil;* <br />�St,eve a 2,ts are accepted, wa 1 11 procood <br />,, onole -t1liel iaitil' 1 conce <br />to plreparie detaiLled charges tio elach study.,Grou,p that reflecL <br />splecific aspects oig eaich of tili,e. s,ix, key-.isirouos as identifill' vid <br />I <br />Cilly amput from the Community iforxianuil CatniQ1"i1I,,. staff, and the <br />chiatirs chosen by CaLty Colunic 1111 <br />.1-Y <br />CaLwIrl RV Nour JrIA <br />