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a I 1 10 I' 9 <br />444441f "VONK, )MTV$ <br />U Mt <br />Pursuant to, due call, and notice thereof a <br />I I <br />meeting, of the City Council of the City of Roseville# County of <br />Ramsey., Minnesota was duly held on the day of 1992 <br />at 7:30 PmM* <br />a <br />The following members, were present. <br />and the f'ollowing were absent. <br />Member moved that the f'oll,ow,ing resolution be <br />aidoptied. <br />RESOLUTION NO., <br />WHEREAS, Heriitag,e Development has fil,ed a petition to rezone <br />certain property located at Larpenteur and Grotto Avenues 'in the <br />City olf Rosevillel, from, R-1, to PUDI <br />WHEREAS,, on the s of May, 1992, a public hearing was <br />held on said petition, <br />F <br />WHEREAS,, said property contai,nsi approximately 4.63 acres, <br />,and <br />WHEREASe the devielopm,en,t as proposed by Heritage Development <br />a <br />calls for impervious slur,faces of 1.83 a,cres, which would be over <br />39%i of the total dev,elopm,ent, and <br />WHEIRRASir, this would create additional drainage into th <br />unique ecolloglica,l, area known as Sweeney Pond, and <br />4 <br />WHEREAS,, in tihe event the property is developed as single <br />family residentioal,, as 'it i,s now zoned, there would be less <br />drainage into Sweeney Pond, and <br />WHEREAS, the City, Council has determined and finds that with <br />one minor exiception, thie other property in'the immediate vicinity <br />of this area contains single family units,, and <br />WHEREAS,, the City, Council of the City of Roseville has <br />determined that any zoning olt,her than R-1 would have an adverse <br />impact on the surrounding single family houses, <br />i <br />