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Con fi rmat 'lion that no employee or principal officer of the <br />I <br />organization has, been cionvicted of' a felony,, No employee <br />9 <br />dir origianization whose prinicipial officers and employees <br />w ith, a, felony conv,:Lction, shall, be employed win a gamblint <br />i <br />related, activiLty by any permitted organization. <br />0 <br />2. Upon recelpit of thie materials required by Paragraph 1 above, <br />and not later than si,ixtyi (601) days from receipt of - notice. <br />Ii <br />from the Gambling Control Board,,, City staff shall investigate <br />I *I <br />theiappiant, and based upon said i,n,ves-tigationt the City <br />9 <br />Council shall act on, the application. <br />3 61 The, action of the City Council to approve an applicant for <br />Premisies Peirmil"t ori BiLngo Hall Liciense within the City shall <br />be by relsolution. Failure tio,, receive a ma30rity af f irmativ, <br />vote of the City Council shall constitute a denial of the <br />*I I <br />apip 1, Ii c at 1 oin <br />0 <br />4,# Copies of' any other, reipoirtis or documents which are required <br />to be subsequently f i'Lled by such organization with the <br />Gambling Control, Biolard, including monthly financial <br />statements, all be fileld wi,ith the City within ten (10) days <br />of f Iling such, materials, with, the Gambling Control Board,, <br />assure complianciewl"ith this ordinance, the City may <br />ingo ®i P Hall licensee to <br />require a remises ermit h o lder or W <br />pr,o�v,ide coplIes of their records desicrilobed in Minnesota <br />Statute 349.215. <br />8* All Class A liciensees a,nd permittee's in the City shall use a <br />ceirtified public acclounit"ng fArm. for all accounting, <br />bookkeeping and tax preparation, serivices related directly to <br />l,a,wfu,l gambling and, charged as a,n allowable expense of the <br />gambling operations, All, agreements providing for such <br />