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Organizations which conduct L <br />f'rom State gambling licensing <br />giambi ingi wiithi,ni the City, upon <br />,City, except thiLs requirement <br />raffles and bingo where total, <br />a calendar yieari W <br />gambling which 'is exempt <br />requirements may conduct such <br />receipt of a permit from the <br />does not apply to door prizes, <br />prizes are less than $750.00 in <br />a <br />2 An application for such a permit along with a $25 fee,, shal <br />be made at l,easit thirty (30) day's prior to the date such <br />*I # <br />gambl,ing is to be conducted,, The application shall contain <br />III <br />the follow,ingi: <br />a a <br />A.1 The name of the organization. <br />B. The address of the organization. <br />A <br />C. The plaice where such, gambling will occur. <br />D,w The total priz,es to be awa,rided, <br />3., Within thirty (30) days olf :filling any, reports with the <br />*1 <br />G,ambil,ing Control, Board the organization shall f ile a copy of <br />such reportswIth the City.1 a <br />I F a a <br />41. The provi,sions relat,ing to law enforcement and administrative <br />cost,si set forth in Slection 11291.030 shall not apply to <br />gambl,ing permitted purisuant to, this section. All other <br />provi,si,ons of this cihapiter apply to, such organizations, <br />Video Gia,mes of Chance, as d,ef'ined by Minnesota Statutes, are <br />14 <br />��irohibited 'in, t,h,e Ciity. <br />A <br />