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il,ishe�d their annual report,, <br />in July, 19921,, the Citizens League pub <br />Ilomestead Prioliplert _ report listed <br />Roseville as the city with the fitth highest 1992 homestead <br />ff,roplerty taxes on homes selling for $90,0�O�0. <br />This information, is, factual., Howeverr the total bliall is composed <br />of Schooll, County, Clity, and, other taxi,n,g entities��each with <br />separate taxing s # ' in Roseville, the percentage <br />of the, total tax bill attributed to each is as follows: <br />School <br />Ramsey County 31*86% <br />City, of' Roseville 12*05% <br />Other (wiater districts, _ <br />TOTIAL <br />