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The Commun ity Forums f or VISTA 2 0 O O were a great success,, The <br />Wednesday,, JU,ly 29, forum, had, approximately 127 people in atten- <br />dance.9 ThursdayiJuly 30,, had approximately 105. In addition, we <br />di <br />received, approximately, 1,0�O writtlen comments which have yet to be <br />tabulated,. <br />Attached is a copy of the, summary of the various comments f rom <br />0 <br />each of those selssions. Please note that this information should <br />0 a <br />be considered very preliminary., An accurate assessment of the <br />,comments i's,- not ploissilble, until we have reviewed all the <br />faicililitatior woriksh,es. <br />The most important information, available from this data 'I's the <br />rank order of importance elist,abi i shed, by forum participants. Thi's <br />has been detier-mined by the total number, of votes, or green dots.. <br />receliveld for the major category.1 The following are those major <br />categories, in rank order, of importance: <br />Attachment <br />