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WHEREAS, the interim transaction has taken place vand <br />WHEREAS,, the Transferors, havie requested the consent f rom the <br />City, to a change in ownership and control olf North Central to <br />Transf eree; and <br />WHEREASI City has waived any right of first refusal to <br />purchase the stock acquired by Transferee as such right of first <br />41 Ii <br />refusal apipl,lesi to the pending sale and transfer,* and <br />WH'EREAiS, the North Suburban, Cable Clomm,un icat ions Commission <br />0 <br />(hiere2mafter "Common") has, been delegated the authority and <br />I I <br />"bility <br />p o to, coordinate., administer and enforce the Cable <br />reslinsil, <br /># Ii 10 <br />Comnunications Franchise Ordinance on, behalf of the City pursuant <br />to the terms olf a Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the Admin3.s <br />triati,ion of a Cable Television Franchise,* and, <br />WHEREAS, the Commission has, held public hearings on behalf of <br />City, and has, revieweld the legal, technical, character and financial <br />i <br />qualifications of Tria,nsferele and, its general, partner Meredith/New <br />Heritiage Partnership and finds no reasonable basis to deny the <br />request, for, transfer, as a result of said, review, except for those <br />conditions listed below.,P and <br />WHERE,AS, the Commission has recomended to City approval of <br />the transfier of control of North Central to Transferee subject tea <br />the, actual closing of the stock, sale and subject to the conditione <br />I <br />listed.below; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission has ailso recommended approval of a <br />request by Transferee to permit the pledge as security to its <br />lenders of th,e stock and assets, of North, Central and its <br />subsidiariesi, which, would include Group W Cable of The North <br />i <br />Suburbs,, Incl,,; 'and <br />E <br />