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Date' May 1, 8,0 1 9 2 <br />The Spring Lea,f Collection, Program was completed on May 6, 1992 <br />0 <br />The program went asi expected and, was completed wi th in the t ime <br />framie allotted, The leaves were we t and dif f 18cult to work with. We <br />Iad excellent worikeirs from the temporary agency for raking and a <br />A- <br />Lremendous elffort. by the City staff assigned to this program. <br />I have compill led the,, tonnage of leaves collected by City crews and <br />4 <br />dropped off by, reisidents at the compost site for the special spring <br />program. 'The vol,u,me dropiped off by residents was very high. The <br />volume collected by the Cityi crew was close to what was <br />6 <br />anticipated.i The stiat,istics are as follows: <br />'i <br />Leaves collectied by the CI'ty <br />i lI 11111 <br />m ��� III <br />Iili �iil <br />1,552 Ton (approx <br />1,,053 Ton (Estimate) <br />low * <br />a <br />As you can see, thie, total tonnage, for the 1991 season increased <br />over 17%, We had a, very high number of residents using-.the site <br />for both, driolp-ioff and picking up compost. I think we need to <br />continue looki,ng at ways to improve the service we provide 'in this <br />area as the utilization of this program seems to be increasing. <br />