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z <br />ki 7DI <br />uz;rw <br />Is <br />The issues inviolveld- with, the project At the March review were: <br />-IL- 01 <br />'Lirleatment of' the pond,ing area, visitor parking, and internal green <br />space.i All three Jasues were addreissied "in the revised plan at the <br />April meeting,. <br />The revised plan showed, Sweeney Piond preserved intact, with a <br />storm, retention pond proposed in, the, northwest corner of the site <br />to treat runoff before 'it gets 'into the larger pond, A trail was <br />proposed along the edge of' the pondsi, <br />Surf ace park sing is moire <br />than required by <br />Code, <br />and is place <br />around, the site more or <br />less conveni ently <br />to most <br />of the units <br />The internal' ciriculation, <br />was moded to <br />eliminate a driving <br />lane at the easit edge of <br />the site.. This frees up <br />some space fo, <br />fuore green area, in, the, setback and slightly <br />larger <br />internal gree <br />areas as we'l si, <br />i ra A-W Vill <br />