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IIII � 31 <br />IiIFFI [00 1 11 � � I <br />201110"QW1HIII TWjUW­F1W--T*WaI!I� on WIN <br />01YOD1 TVs <br />31,o The Minor Variance Committee unianiamous1v recommended approval <br />of the var iiance request. The Committee be! ineved that there <br />a <br />would be a. hardship to bring the exist ing house 'into <br />comp: ia,n,cie and that it was a reasonable request because the <br />I <br />proposed add, * tion would not be, any closer to the street than <br />III <br />the existing dwelling,,. <br />4 All affected property owners, "indicated their approval of the <br />variance. <br />Alternat gives <br />in <br />Pol i (z-v Ob-II ctives: <br />I I <br />1161 To insure development occurs, consistent with the City' <br />I$ fte <br />zoningi orainan,ce,, <br />201 Grant var,lances whiere hardship and/or practical difficultieR <br />exist 0 <br />