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CoIrialie Wilson, the Executive Director of the North Suburban Cable <br />IN <br />Commiss ion and the Commiss, 3.,on,"s attorney,, Toza Creighton, will be <br />attending the Work Session tonight loin orderr to answer questions <br />w <br />�. <br />0-0 Old <br />'The franchises of' all the member cit," <br />lesi require approval by the <br />city of any sale, or transfer by means +r a fundamental corporate <br />change. City Councils have final responsibility for approving or <br />t approving this, transfer, based <br />purchase agreement, which, anticipates action on all franchises by <br />August 31,,, 1,9912,. Therefore.i all ca"ties must act before this date, <br />Folic Issues <br />Pileias,e note that, In 1984 a Congressional Act deregulated , <br />10 0 <br />subscribler rates, As a "result, nelither, the city nor the Commission <br />has any control, over su,bscr,iber - result rates - <br />determilined by the parent corporatialon at a, level which the market <br />will b <br />